Since then I have prototyped the database, part of the UI and the workflow. Much of this was done in the languages and tools that I know well - Visual Studio with C# and MVC and SQL Server. I also did some testing in a sample electron application I set up to try out various tools like Bootstrap, Angular, React, SQLite and a NOSQL/JSON database and I also tried out various Electron frameworks which include some of these packages.
I have decided to use a BASEL stack - Bootstrap, Angular, SQLite and of course Electron, and all of this is wrapped up in a new Electron framework I found name BASEL. This is similar to the term of MEAN development which is the stack of MongoDB, Express, Angular, Node.
Why BASEL? There are several factors.
- SQLite is a cross-platform lightweight db and it is free. As are many GUI to work with it.
- Angular is a Google tech so it has good support and it allows me to use an MVC design pattern.
- Bootstrap is a great front end framework that allow for all sorts theming of controls
- Electron - I have covered this earlier but again, it allows me to develop a cross-platform desktop application.