I was looking at my history in both the FitBit app and the Quadrio app and I was rather amazed at how well I have done.
Yes, I will be honest that since November of last year, I have not been activly working at it - the walking, the weight loss, the lowering of the bp, getting more sleep. BUT I do have to say that the effort I put into it has paid off since I have maintained my weight loss and kept my BP down and I have been able to eliminate one of the heart medications I was on.
So let's look at some charts, shall we.
First up is my resting heart rate, this is a graph from the FitBit. As your heart gets stronger, your heart rate gets lower because it does not have to work as much to get the blood pushed around your body. This is an average and I do know that the FitBit is not as accurate as actual medical monitoring but look at the trend. And what about those two spikes? Those are from being really sick with that nasty bug that eventually morphed into bronchitis. I would say I have done well, I give myself an A.
I will try to remember to do another report card in SIX months which I hope will keep me on track; and again in another year.