Well, last month, the art League posted that they were having a small show in June to raise funds since the gallery had been closed due to the pandemic PLUS general member did not have to work the show! I downloaded the show info and found that I can submit 3 pieces of work; time to plan the Temari I would need to stitch!
The first one I selected is one of my favorites the Rainbow Ribbons on a C8; then the Wishing Papers on a S6 and lastly the Fall Leaves on a C8. I had three weeks to get them ready which meant doing one per week; and I had to take my time so I could avoid mistakes or redo one if it did not turn out well.
I finished early this week which gave me a few days of breathing room.
I will take them to the gallery next week and each Temari will be sold with a base for it to sit on, along with a info sheet on what is a Temari as I figure that most people around these parts won't know what they are. The info sheet will also cover how care for it and that it is NOT a toy.