First I got stressed over the assignments because I was having difficulty grasping what I needed to do for the assignment(s). Then I stressed over coming up with ideas or "concepts" as they are being called. And then it was creating what was required for the assignments. This is supposed to fun, right??
I did get them done on time and as the grades are coming in, I am getting A's on them but... For each assignment we did class critiques; I am looking at the other students work and now I am thinking "oh, that's a good idea" or "hmmm, I had not thought of that".
The gist of this is I am still trying to break out of the stoic, engineer box that I have lived in for the past 40-50 years were I was told not to act strange, crazy or weird or ..... well, you get my drift. Trust me, it's in there and has started to come out of it's hidey-hold but I need more of it.
I am also having trouble getting a grip on the drawing. Once again, I will say, I have not done much creative drawing over my life. Last semester in Studio I I did start to explore it and in Beginning Drawing we are, in the class, spending each session discussing and playing with proportion, perspective, measurement, shading/tone and shifting subjects. It's supposed to be fun (where have we heard this before) but I am putting pressure on myself to draw better than I am currently able to.
After a long drawn out reassessment I have decided that getting the B.F.A is not what's important. To me, learning what I WANT TO LEARN is what is important. I have also realized that THREE art classes at the same time is also too much as the classes are, for 3 credits, over 6 hours of class time in addition to the homework - I actually don't have time for me, Boots, and taking care of chores when home. I have gone through the course work and identified the classes I want which are not just metal but also include Printmaking, Ceramics, Sculpture, and 3D Printing Technology. I am NOT going to take 4 classes in Art History, Modern Communications, 2 classes of American History - Before and After the Civil War, or 2 classes in Political Science - Principles and Function of the American Government. I will sign up for 1 or 2 classes a semester and I might take the summer off if there isn't a class I want offered.
I feel better already.
Another thing I did this week was to delete my profiles on LinkedIn and Dice. I am not going to go back into the workforce and IF I do, it's not going to be a full time Sr. Engineer so why have that information out there.
I also reassessed what I was watching on the streaming services I have been using since cutting the chord over a year ago. There are several shows that the Shop Elf and I would watch together along with pauses and discussions on what was being presented. For example we would watch the various Gold Rush shows. I have still been watching then but over the past few months I find I am doing something else, and I am not watching nor listening. I decided to cancel my subscription to that streaming service; I can alway come back to it but for now, why waste the money. I also canceled/deleted my accounts to a few other "free services" like Pluto and Sling because I never find anything to watch on them.
Here is a gif I made for Studio II, it is called Surfing with Dust Bunnies - Yes I am in an orange outfit with orange yarn on my feet to aid in the sliding around the floor.