Since I am using a MVC (model/view/controller) framework for Electron, much of the back end has been already written; the database calls for displaying data, generating the menus from the database, routing menu clicks to the appropriate page and more.
During this path month, I have come to the conclusion that many of the pages where the user would see data, are not actual menu items. They are the detail pages of a main page and that the best way to display them was via a tabbed interface. The menu, at this point should only have 3 items: People, Workshops, Setup. For example, when People are selected from the menu, a list of their names will be visible and when the person is selected, then that person's details will appear with four tabs - Person Info, Address, Emails, and Phones.
Now I have to go back and re-code many of the screens I have already done. Initially I was not please with that thought and wondered if there was another way to build my application that would be easier for me - such as using Visual Studio and C#; but that would not give me ability to run it on my Mac. Then I looked into Visual Studio for the Mac (yes, it does exist!); I could code in c# but many of the objects I am use to are different and that means an entirely different learning curve. Now, having slept on this, I am ready to tackle it, in Electron.
To accomplish this, I have to upgrade my skills in Bootstrap and Angular and dive deeper into the framework so that I can load tabs that are not menu items.
But hey, wasn't this projects supposed to be about upgrading my skills.
Here is a sample of a tabbed interface in a test project, that I am using to figure it all out.