I have posted pictures of the various twills and the other weaves I am going add to the scarf on my Weaving page. I have also posted a few pictures of my other projects.
I have come to the conclusion that taking a 3 year break from weaving has not resulted in me forgetting how to weave. My biggest issue (fear) was warping the loom as I had never been shown how to do it properly and then when I dropped the silk warp and it all got tangled I freaked myself out about getting it correct. Then I had to stop weaving because of the bone spur and torn rotator cuff. I got so frustrated with it that I sold off many of my books, bulk yarns, and some of the shuttles I had. I even posted my loom on eBay to sell it - TWICE.
I am glad that my loom did not sell as I have come back to the realization that I really do enjoy weaving.
My next project will be to pull out my loom and plan some rep-weave place mats.