Today I return to the Cardiologist for the Nuclear EKG. I will be there over 4 hours because of the setup, prep which is me drinking a dye that can be seen my the nuclear imaging machine, test and recovery. Afterward I will have a recoding EKG put on me and I will wear it for 24 hours - which I have to return tomorrow afternoon.
What has been happening since my last visit?
I am a bit more concerned because I think it is getting worse. I am noticing more palpitations and more pricks of pain. Last week the palpitations where happening on/off for over an hour - a few at a time, then nothing for 10 min or so and then they would happen again. I took a nitro just to be safe and after an hour they were gone.
I am also noticing that if I don't get at least 8 hrs of sleep, I have palpitations. On those nights were I get over 9, I have very few if none. Last weekend I was busy both days and was up early but did not go to bed until 11pm. On the following monday, I did not feel good all day - very tired (more than normal) and the palpitations were not more frequent but they seemed stronger.
I have also been tracking my BP (doctors orders) - the systolic is about 125 to 130 average; the diastolic is running on the higher side about 80-85 BUT there were a few days where the diastolic was 90-105, which was worrying.
Today, the doctor will take the BP monitor we bought and compare its reading to the unit in the office, then they can "adjust" the readings I have been recording in the notebook. This will give them an indication of what the true readings are.
And of course I don't get the results today, I will have to go back again next week to get the results. I'm hoping that the diagnosis can be handled with beta blockers.