Why did I write the tool and not just do it by hand? Well, there are over 250 tables (266 to be exact) in the database we need to migrate.
Why not use a tool? Ha, I wish!
I am working on a secure network and getting an application that on the network takes FORE_EVER!
Not only has the application have to be approved to be on the network, getting a paid license takes months and then we have to get it installed. All in all, the process would take 6 months if we were lucky.
So I figured out what had to be changed and wrote an app that uses regular expressions to find/replace the reserved words and data types and output a new file, one for each table. The app took 2 days to write and a day to run. Now my new database has 226 empty tables.
On to the next problem...
I have spent this week working on a tool, yes another one, in c#, to migrate the data from the SQLServer db to the ready and waiting PostgreSQL db. Why am I writing a tool when many exist? See the above reason for that tool and you will get the idea, again.
Yes, there is an ODBC driver which would allow me to use the SQLServer tools to push it from our SQLServer db into the new PostgresDB. But we are having 'problems' getting that installed too.
SO write the app I did.
I started it Wednesday and was completed yesterday afternoon. I have done some preliminary test and so far it looks like it will do the job. Monday, I will start to test with one table and if that works, I will run it against the entire db.
In other news -
And I am still playing with Electron. I am now looking at framework that uses the React Javascript library - "React is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces."
And to that end I have installed the framework named Electron-Forge with the --template=react parameter. Now I have to learn how to use it. And while that is going on I have selected the NoSQL/JSON package named lowdb I will use for the database storage. Time to get back to the codesmithing