I started by emptying the glove compartment, door pockets, the front and back seat consoles, then under the front seats, behind the read seats, and in the flat bed area that has a shell on it.
And if you are thinking, what I am thinking - "You could knock someone out, kill them and bury them with all of this" - then go right ahead!
- The compress air tank with no air
- 2 pick axes
- 3 shovels
- 4 crow bars
- 3 tarps
- 2 dozen bungie chords
- 5 flat tire repair kits
- Bleach
- 2 tie down straps
- 1 package of Industrial strength Duct (cable) ties
- 2 two gallon gas containers, no gas
- a pipe wrench
- a lead mallet
- a funnel
- an empty bottle of engine oil
- 2 - 3 dozens of Power/Energy bars that are so old they could be used for bricks
- a Geiger Counter
- 7 Dosimeters and 2 calibration units
- 2 different types of can openers (but no canned food)
- 2 cans of bug spray
- 8 magnifying lenses
- 1 dozen roller ball pens
- 3 sharpies
- 3 screw drivers
- a crescent wrench
- 5 heavy duty pocket knives
- 4 pairs of reading glasses
- 3 tire pressure gauges
- a roll of duct table
- a tape measure
- 5 mylar emergency blanket
- 2 lasers (red and green)
- 2 flashlights in assorted shapes and sizes
- 7 cigarette lighters
- a fork, knife and spoon
- 2 calculators
- 2 AM/FM radios and 2 weather radios all double wrapped in aluminum foil
- batteries in all shapes and sizes and most are leaking
- foam ear plugs
- a socket wrench set
- and hundreds of pieces of nicotine gum and most so old they too could be used for bricks.
And the icing on the cake - $300 in 20's!!!!!