I am still tired, brain fogged, confused, having phantom smells, the occasional fever and some feelings of depression.
Having done more reading I found an article about how "they" are seeing that people who take longer to recover (i.e. long COVID) are those who continued to work and did not rest enough. Some people have told me it has taken 2-3 months for them to feel fully recovered.
With this information, I shall be resting for another month and at that time if I am still showing symptoms I will contact one of the Long COVID Clinics in the area to see what else could be done.
And for something else, here's a temari I just finished. I started this one back in 2021 and stopped due to the tendonitis in my right thumb. I was planning on finishing it after I returned from The Big Walk. I started to work on it but as we all know, now, I got COVID and then realized I was making too many mistakes that had to be undone so I only worked on it when I felt good. It is a C8 and comes from one of the Japanese temari books but I can't find which one at the moment.