I have spent over 11 hours getting my machine set up and figuring out how it all works together and I have not written a single line of code yet. I should not be surprised by this, I have been writing code on PC’s since the early 90’s and oh, how the memory fades at the learning curve.
So what have I accomplished so far?
- Eclipse Classic installed.
- The Android SDK installed and all of the Android/Google APIs downloaded.
- Git Installed
- BitBucket repository set up
- SourceTree (for remote repository management) installed and set up
- eGit (the Git add-in) for Eclipse installed.
And I have figured out how to …
- Create an empty repository in BitBucket via the web UI
- Create an empty repository in BitBucket via the SourceTree GUI
- Clone a BitBucket repository (empty) down to my Mac (no UI)
- Clone a BitBucket repository down to my Mac via SourceTree
- Create an Eclipse project and tie it to the repository from BitBucket
- Use SourceTree to index, commit and push back to BitBucket
And from the other direction..
- Create a Git Repository via eGit inside of Eclipse
- Create a project, in Eclipse, and via eGit add it to the local Git repository
- Index and Commit and then push the now, non empty project up to BitBucket
- Import an (empty) cloned repository and then add a project to it.
Now, I can start to write code!