I arrived early to get some stretching in and during this time, there was a children's class. They were sooo small and cute playing with nerf tubes as their weapons. Then after some time, they did switch to foils – which in a few cases were longer than they were tall.
I signed up for class one day per week plus some extra floor time for $80 for the month – that’s a steal. Just the class would be $60 for the month. For the extra $20 per month I can show up other days and use the studio for practice or spar with others that are there. NEXT week I might go Wednesday and Friday. Or Monday/Wednesday. I could have also signed up for a Saturday lesson but I am already over committed on weekends, Maybe later.
The class started at 7:30. We started off with foot work (15min), then did some controlled practice moves (30min) also using the nerf tubes, and then we did some sparing in 4 person groups – 2 fencers, a judge and referee. There were 16 people in the class so in groups of 4 so we had 4 bouts going. We did 3 point matches in a round robin.
It really was a good evening and workout. Remember those workout where you are having fun and not thinking about how hard it is and when you stop you find that you have soaked your clothing with sweat…. well I was dripping! Even my glasses fogged up. YES, there were times that I got winded – did I think of giving up, NO. During the warm ups I did have to sit down at one point and catch my breath and then I did realize I was not 20 anymore but in fencing age is not so much a factor , yes it can be one but not like in gymnastics or running. When I get more in shape which will take a few month, it will be even more fun. Also, fencing is a mental game beside the physical and right now most of the people I was fencing with don’t know as much as me \0/ so my game was better YET while sparing I would give them feedback about extending their leg better, not stopping and following through, where they hit me and such.
I am only slightly sore today which is a good thing. At the end of the class (7:30 – 9pm) I was dripping sweat ! I remembered more than I thought I would- which is good. The coach said my form was very good. Things I noticed is that my point control is a bit off and I am not as flexible as I use to be and I need to work on stretching.
On a side note, having not fenced for 30 years… there are some interesting changes to the scoring and equipment but most of my equipment was fine for practice. The scoring has reversed, it is not a touch against you anymore, now when you hit someone, you get the point - everyone has always confused about that because when you HAD 5 points, you lost, it was a negative thing. So now you score the touch against someone, you get the point for making the hit. The lower neck in foil is now target; saber is electronic now; and there is a plastic/Kevlar chest guard to be worn by men and women (not just the boob protectors for women) and a few other things. Then the way you are rated is slightly different – and that allows you to move up in the standings.
Erich and I were talking when I got home – of course I had to tell him everything but he said something that is so true. When you go for a walk/run etc.. just to work out and there is no purpose behind it, or no purpose that you enjoy. It is not fun and so you think why am I doing this. With the Fencing, I really enjoy doing it so when I am at practice the exercise does not seem like a chore. And now I want to go for those walks at lunch or lift weights because in the long run that will also help me in this sport.
In a few weeks, I hope to ask someone to video me sparing and I will post that. In the mean time here is a picture of me during a break. Elisa of Scotland has used a Photoshop filter on it and turned it into a painting.