I spent most of my time building sample/test code in little silo's so I could figure out how to get things to work. Then every few days I would agregate all the things I learned into the actual project code I am responsible for. And then there was yesterday
Despite the wonderful potluck and having a nice time bonding with my team mates, at 3pm another "gottcha" was revealed and I just wanted to throw it all away - I am beginning to think that the path we are going down (and which I have been on for the past 3 weeks) with SSIS is more trouble than it is worth. Using SSIS is supposed to make life easy so we don't have to write tonnes of code each time we want to import a new file type. I could have written that code and been done with it (over these past 3 weeks) and had a lot less stress.
So we are having a meeting around 10 am and I am going to try to be nice but I am putting my foot down, pulling out my virtual epee, and going to fight to abandon the path we are on!
And how are you doing??