We closed on the second house (in Texas) and now to rent it out. We snagged an extra empty lot next to the new house and that will close in the next week or two. Does this make me a land baron or baroness?
No, I have not done much weaving, again BUT I am ready to start a new design on my rep weave placemats as the first 4 are done.
I have also really thrown myself into my new projects and work and have found that it is suddenly 6 pm and past the time to go home. Then when I get home, I still have code whirling around in my head which at times does not stop even when I go to bed; and it is there still when I wake up and then the cycle repeats. To resolve this I have finally installed a development environment on my computer at home.
Wait - how come she has not done that already being a software engineer?? The reason is that I use a MAC at home and at work we use PC's with Visual Studio, SQLServer and lot's of other PC software that won't run on a Macintosh.
BUT not any more.
A while ago I found out about Mono Develop a IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for Mac's, Linux, and PC's that will allow you to write C# code for Mac's, Linux's PC's, and Smart Phones (iOS, Android, etc). I played with it when I was experimenting with Android development. Then I set it aside. Recently Xamarin released a new version and I thought, let's give it a try so I could do some development for myself, at home.
Saturday morning I installed Mono plus GIT (source control) and SourceTree because I use BitBucket for source control. And Git works very nice with Mono/Xamarin. I started this all around 7am and had a development environment up and running by 10 am. Then I proceeded to write some code (I was at it for almost 4 hours) and learn more about the design architecture and I am now using at work: Model-View-Controller. Along with that I am getting up to speed on jQuery and Entity Framework.
Now I don't have code in my head and I can enjoy the rest of my weekend, what's left of it.