I am still deep in my project at work and I had a big lack of confidence event mid-week. The current task, out of many before the project is done, is something new for me and I realized on Wednesday that I might be going down the wrong path and I realized this at 5:45pm. I came home and proceeded to spend the next 4 hours Googling for articles on the subject cause a bit of OCD had set in. It was that or stay at work - very very late. I did find a few articles and even a reasonable tutorial that would, when I read it all, explain to me, where I took a wrong turn. This of course caused me to not get a good nights sleep and to wake up even earlier than normal. I spent almost 9-10 hours on both Thursday and Friday redoing my code. Thankfully it all worked and I certainly understand the subject better.
All of this resulted in me being very tired yesterday. I stayed home and decided to work in a new knitted scarf. Last year at Convergence I treated my self to a hand picked color wheel of yarns from RedFish Dye Works. The color wheel I chose was of muted colors (12 colors) of Silk 20/2 weight which is lace weight and I am/was planning to do a nice color gamp shawl/scarf. But since my loom at home currently has cotton waffle weave towels on it AND each skein is 450 yards.. I figured I could do a knitted scarf and still have plenty left over to weave with later.
I then went looking through my library of knitting books for a nice, lacy scarf that was not a very complicated pattern. I will be watching TV while knitting so I need to balance attention to the pattern to actually watching the tube (though TV's are not tubes any more). I did not find any thing I liked in a pattern book so I then turned to my knitting dictionary. I found a diagonal fishnet pattern that would light an airy. I had to do some experimenting to get the right weight and needles and how many rows to knit to get a "variegated" look. As of today I am almost half way done.
Here is a picture of the scarf in process and I am part way through the 5th of 12 colors.