Since the Japanese thread is thinner than the Size 5 perle cotton I mostly use, I made the mari a bit smaller and used the thread doubled in the needle.
This was certainly a challenge! The thread from Japan is a polyester, which gives it a wonderful shine but it loves to twist and knot so I was constantly de-tangling it. If I had taken a stitch and not realized the thread was twisted I had to pull the threads back out and straighten them so the two threads would lay flat, next to each other and also not bunch up where the stitch was made. I also uses A LOT of thread. I used for shades of pink but I used up 1+ cards of the white, there are 30 meters of thread on a card.
When I was almost done I could see I should have spread my stitches out a bit more as there were gaps at the center points of the pentagons (where the pink triangular petals meet) so I did some extra fill at then end but still left a little gap at the very center since there really wasn't room along the sides to lay more threads.
I am glad I did it but I should have done it once in the perle cotton to make it easier - Oh well, live and learn.