When writing up a pattern it must include a picture of the temari and a line drawing and written directions. The directions do not have to be highly detailed as if it was for a beginner. But you have to give the mari size, the type of marking, number of threads for stitching, with generic color names, and enough information to stitch it such as where to place pins and what type of stitches or wraps.
Since the course work is 12 lessons and I have to have 6 patterns, I decided that after every even numbered lesson I would do a pattern. This week, I finished my second pattern which was based upon a picture I saw stitched by another temari friend.
Here are pictures and the line drawings of the two completed so far. The first pattern is Rainbow Ribbons on a C8 and the second is Diamonds and Triangles on a C10.
Update: Between writing this post last weel and then actually posting it, today I wrote a third pattern. It is also a wrapped bands pattern, but on a C8. This one has a bit more info to assist in getting the over/under order correct.