But this post is about my trip and why I have to be concerned about COVID.
Yes, I know the airlines say I don't have to wear a mask, but I WILL.
Would you risk getting it before such an amazing trip and YES, I got another booster but would you STILL RISK IT?
And there are other factors to consider.
Elisa and Mike (of Scotland, of course) are both at risk and over 70 years of age. Mike has diabetes, Elisa has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome PLUS a few other things.
Then there is that odd Frankenvariant floating around Europe and the UK, including Scotland.
So why would I risk bringing it into their house??
To prevent being a carrier of "the plauge" I will wear a N95 mask during the flight over and as I pass through various airports along the way. I am also carrying the home tests provided by our government so I can test when I arrive and hopefully NOT again in case I get any symptoms after I arrive during the week I will be with them before I start the walk.
I will carry and use a mask while in pubs and restaurants while on the hike and I will use a home test again when I return to their home for the final 2 weeks of the visit.
While I am in Edinburgh I will again use my mask while I am in museums, galleries, and restaurants this will also ensure that I do not have a positive test result since I have to take a test 24 hours before I head back to the USA.
Then of course I will wear as mask on said return flight so I don't bring anything home to shop elf.