This morning Mike and I went to the local Tesco, a 20 minute drive, so I could purchase the last few things I did not carry over, ship a head, nor did I purchase them via and have delivered to the house for my arrival.
I needed to purchase a few extra items for my lunches; in a few towns I will be able to purchase items the night before IF there is a shop or even a restaurant but it will be hit and miss as to what I could find so I felt it best to have 9 days of food in my suitcase and IF I can find some that is local and different (like the pub known for their pork pies) I will get that to each on the trail.
After we got back, I proceeded to divvy up the nuts and assemble piles for each day - Nugo protein bar, Cup o'Soup ix, dry sausage, cappuccino mix, an instant pasta/noodle/rice, a salmon/tuna package to add to the pasta/noodle/rice, a Propel electrolyte mix, and the solid fuel for the stove to make the coffee, soup, or main course of my lunch. Each day is in it's own bag so I only have to grab it out of the suitcase and put it in my backpack.
I then found a highlighter and I marked the route on the OS maps that cover the area; so I don't have to wonder where the route is as it is a bit hard to see and there are side spurs to avoid. I don't think I will need them as I have my phone which will be my GPS but in the strange instance where the phone dies and my battery bank does not work a paper map is the safest tech to have as a backup backup plan.
Now that this is done I can actually repack the backpack and the suitcase which I will do tomorrow.