Way back in the mists of time, I flew from California to Texas to attend the Houston Quilt Market and International Quilt Festival. This is a massive quilt show and vendor hall that takes over the Houston convention center for a week. While I was there, I bought a cutting table and a sewing (machine) table that folds up and rolls, has lots of drawers and the sewing tables allows for the sewing machine to drop 'inside' for storage, when the extended table sections are folded up. It is way cool but weighs a ton!!
Now, during the past year of the pandemic, I had made a mess of both tables because I had placed all my Temari and Yubinuki supplies on them; let alone the dust and other schmutz that gathered.
It took a good 2 hours just to sort the yubinuki supplies that were on the cutting table and to put them away. The sewing table had to be sorted and vacuumed since there were rice hulls (the center material of a Temari ball) everywhere; this took another hour or so.
The first picture is of the cutting table with just one leaf opened up; that is the width I need for cutting.
The second picture shows the sewing table with my sewing machine and the ironing board to the side so I can press what I sew.
I am ready to actually start cutting fabric.